News list for " ausd"

Binance will update ORCAUSDT U-standard perpetual contract leverage and guaranteed funds

According to an official announcement, Binance Contracts will update the leverage and guarantee ladder for ORCAUSDTU-based perpetual contracts on March 21, 2025 at 09:15 (UTC).

2025-03-21 09:27:04
币安将更新ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约杠杆和保证⾦

据官⽅公告,币安合约将于 2025 年 03⽉21⽇09:15(UTC)更新 ORCAUSDTU 本位永续合约的杠杆和保证⾦阶梯。

2025-03-21 09:27:04
The South Korean Supreme Court has ruled that TerraUSD and Luna are not securities

According to Etoday, South Korea's Supreme Court has ruled that stablecoin TerraUSD and cryptocurrency Luna are not considered financial investment products or securities. The digital assets collapsed in May 2022, losing about $40 billion in value. The latest court decision could affect similar legal disputes in lower courts. In November 2022, a Seoul court rejected a prosecutor's request to seize the assets of Daniel Shin, co-founder of Terraform Labs, the company behind the tokens.

2025-02-19 03:34:21

据Etoday报道,韩国最高法院裁定,稳定币TerraUSD和加密货币Luna不被视为金融投资产品或证券。这些数字资产在2022年5月崩盘,价值损失约400亿美元。最新的法院判决可能会影响下级法院的类似法律纠纷。 2022年11月,首尔一家法院驳回了检察官要求没收这些代币背后的公司Terraform Labs联合创始人Daniel Shin资产的请求。当...

2025-02-19 03:34:21
Binance 将上线 LUMIA 永续合约,最高 75 倍杠杆

Binance 将于 12 月 18 日 19:30(UTC+8)上线 LUMIAUSDT 永续合约,最高 75 倍杠杆。

2024-12-18 11:39:06
KOMA briefly breaks through $0.12

According to market data, influenced by Binance's launch of KOMAUSDT perpetual contract news, KOMA briefly broke through $0.12 and is now quoted at $0.12113, an increase of 83.88% in 24 hours.

2024-12-10 09:42:59


2024-12-10 09:42:59
Agora has announced Wormhole as a core interoperability provider for its AUSD stablecoin

Dragonfly-backed stablecoin network Agora has announced Wormhole as the core interoperability provider for its AUSD stablecoin, a decentralized stablecoin currently running on Ethereum, Avalanche, and Sui with a total locked value (TVL) of over $65 million. Wormhole will provide multi-chain functionality and secure infrastructure support.

2024-10-12 07:55:19

由Dragonfly支持的稳定币网络Agora宣布Wormhole为其AUSD稳定币的核心互操作性提供商,去中心化稳定币AUSD目前在以太坊、Avalanche和Sui上运行,总锁定价值 (TVL) 超过6500万美元,Wormhole将提供多链功能和安全的基础设施支持。

2024-10-12 07:55:19
Binance will launch the FIDAUSDT perpetual contract

Binance announced that it will launch the FIDAUSDT perpetual contract at 20:30 on September 19, with a maximum leverage of 75 times.

2024-09-19 10:37:46
币安将上线 FIDAUSDT 永续合约

币安宣布将于 9 月 19 日 20:30 上线 FIDAUSDT 永续合约,最高杠杆可达 75 倍。

2024-09-19 10:37:46
Stablecoin AUSD has been launched on Sui Network

On September 5th, the stablecoin AUSD has been launched on the Sui Network. AUSD has previously supported Ethereum and Avalanche, and currently has minted nearly $60 million worth of tokens. On this basis, the integration of AUSD with the Sui Network immediately enhances its practicality, accessibility and interoperability.

2024-09-05 13:08:11
稳定币AUSD已在Sui Network上线

9月5日消息,稳定币 AUSD 已在 Sui Network 上线,AUSD 之前已支持以太坊和 Avalanche,目前铸造了价值近 6000 万美元的代币,在此基础上,AUSD 与 Sui 网络的集成立即增强了其实用性、可访问性和互操作性。

2024-09-05 13:08:11
Agora stablecoin AUSD has been listed on Avalanche

Agora announced that it has natively deployed its stablecoin AUSD on Avalanche, which is now available in Trader Joe, BENQI, Trensi, Pharaoh, and other dApps. Agora has previously launched AUSD on Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Sui. AUSD is a stablecoin pegged 1:1 to the US dollar.

2024-08-21 10:57:47

Agora宣布已在Avalanche上原生部署其稳定币AUSD,AUSD已在Trader Joe、BENQI、Trensi、Pharaoh等DApp中可用。Agora之前已以太坊、Arbitrum和Optimism、Sui上推出AUSD,AUSD是1:1锚定美元的稳定币。

2024-08-21 10:57:47